Monday, May 6, 2013

Comfy Food

You know the times when you just want a good, hot, gooey brownie? And then ended up eating all of the hot, gooey brownies in the pan? Trust me, I've been there, and I may have a solution - the single-serve brownie. Now, who's to say I won't keep on whipping up and consuming whole dozens of brownies? However, at least I have a way of escape now.

"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."  
1 Corinthinans 10:13

Thank you, God, for single-serve brownies!

I bet I can name at least 10 situations that call for this culinary dream.

1. Post boyfriend breakup
  Sure, he was a dirtbag. But why should you let that stop you from a little indulging?

2. Post friend breakup
  Chocolate is a girl's true best friend. And no matter how pathetic that sounds, we all know that's true. Besides that, she'll probably call you back and apologize tomorrow. 

3. Post reality T.V. couple that doesn't actually exist breakup
  Possibly more heart-wrenching than real life - they were SO perfect!

4. National Bittersweet Chocolate Day (January 10th), Celebration of Chocolate Month (February), Cream Cheese Brownie Day (February 10th), International No Diet Day (May 6th - there's still time!) National Brownies at Brunch Month (August). I'm sure you could also come up with some creative concoctions for National Bratwurst Day and Eat a Hoagie Day. 

5. To Share
  Who wouldn't appreciate a free brownie and the fabulous someone who provided it?

6. A Way to Clean Out the Pantry
  I, for one, always have way too much flour, sugar, and cocoa lying around. 

7. With Coffee
You don't actually have to drink the coffee, if you don't want to. 

8.  For Breakfast
  What better way to start the day? Also, experts have proven that eating your brownie at breakfast rather than dinner aids in weight loss!

9. To Regain Energy After a Workout
It's kind of like the tried-and-true muscle building chocolate milk of athletes!

10. Because You're Worth It.
 You are.

To get started, you'll need:

A Microwave
A microwave safe mug
A fork

1 T Butter
1 1/2 T flour
1 1/2 T cocoa
1 egg yolk
1/4 c. white sugar
1 pinch salt

First, cut off a hunk of butter 1 tablespoon big and pop it in the microwave (in your microwave-safe mug) for 30 seconds.

It should look like this.

Next comes the only tricky part - to add just the egg yolk, you'll have to separate the yolk form the white. Do this by cracking the egg over the sink without letting any of the contents slip out. Pass the yolk from one half of the eggshell to the other until the whites have gone down the drain and you're left with only the yolk, like this:

Add it to the butter.

Add the sugar and salt and beat it all up with your fork.

This part is very, very, important. 
Add the cocoa.

 Now it's starting to look like brownies!

Stir in the flour . . . 

. . . zap it for a minute in the microwave . . . 

and you're golden!

You'll get all this, plenty to cure any ill or celebrate any occasion!

No, i don't know how many calories there are per serving. Enjoy your brownies when you enjoy them without reserve.

Love, Bella

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