"We get it, you've been a jerk," you say. (And get major props from me for quoting Sky High)
Really, though, I have. Its been, what, 10ish days since I've visited here? Life lately has been full of final exams, grad parties way out who knows where, my brother's baseball games, and late, long talking nights with friends. I'm the last awake in one of those right now; we've decided we have our best talks at 4 in the morning after too much chocolate and Fat Amy - you know those talks, the ones where you make big life decisions and talk about what you believe and what you want to be when you grow up. Luckily for me, I've got my phone handy and now that the girls have dropped off I can give you an update!
Due to the "fast, beautiful photo sharing" provided by Instagram, I'm able to keep track of what I've been up to; namely, sending off the 8th graders at my former gradeschool, wearing pink on Wednesday, dyeing my hair Aqua Rush (a rebellious color, according to the box), drawing with chalk, and becoming a ride warrior at Cedar Point.
Chalk + rain = tye dye chalk. Highly recommend!
I've coached these girls since they were in 6th grade, and I'm pretty proud of them!
Cedar Point with some of my favorites.
Business in the front, party in the back?
On Wednesdays, we wear pink. (If you don't know what I'm talking about go watch Mean Girls right. now.)
I'll leave you with that.
Love, Bella
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